

Streamlining the Path from Submission to Publication

The eManager represents a pivotal advancement in the domain of academic publishing, serving as a comprehensive manuscript submission and peer-review system designed to streamline the complex process of managing scholarly submissions. Engineered to enhance efficiency and transparency, this innovative platform offers a user-friendly interface that facilitates the submission of manuscripts, the rigorous process of peer review, and the crucial stages of editorial decision-making. By integrating sophisticated tools and customizable workflows, the eManager empowers publishers, editors, and reviewers to navigate the intricacies of publication with unprecedented ease, ensuring that the focus remains on the quality and integrity of scholarly work.

Editorial Workflow

Creating an effective workflow from submission to publication involves several key stages, ensuring the manuscript is rigorously reviewed and processed transparently and efficiently. Here's a simplified overview of a typical workflow chart for academic publishing using a system like eManager:

  1. 01
    Manuscript Submission
    Authors submit their manuscript through the online platform, where it's initially checked for completeness and adherence to submission guidelines.
  2. 02
    The manuscript undergoes a preliminary review by the editorial staff or the Editor-in-Chief to assess its suitability for the journal regarding scope, quality, and adherence to ethical guidelines.
  3. 03
    Assigning Associate Editor
    Once the manuscript passes the initial screening, it is assigned to an Associate Editor who is an expert in its subject area.
  4. 04
    Peer Review
    The Associate Editor selects and invites appropriate peer reviewers (experts in the relevant field) to evaluate the manuscript. Depending on the journal's policy, this process can be single-blind, double-blind, or open-review.
  5. 05
    Reviewers' Feedback
    Reviewers submit their evaluations, recommendations, and comments on the manuscript. They may recommend acceptance, minor/major revisions, or rejection.
  6. 06
    Editorial Decision
    Based on the reviewers' feedback, the Associate Editor recommends the final decision to the Editor-in-Chief, who communicates the decision, along with the reviewers’ comments, to the author(s).
  7. 07
    If revisions are required, the author(s) revise the manuscript and submit it again. This revised manuscript may go through additional rounds of review.
  8. 08
    Once the manuscript meets all the requirements and quality standards, it is accepted for publication.
  9. 09
    Copyediting and Typesetting
    The accepted manuscript undergoes copyediting for language, grammar, and formatting. After copyediting, it is typeset to match the journal's layout and style.
  10. 10
    Galley proofs are sent to the author(s) for a final check. The author(s) review the proofs and submit any necessary corrections.
  11. 11
    After final corrections are made, the manuscript is published in the journal, either online, in print, or both.
  12. 12
    The article is disseminated through various channels, and the journal may engage in post-publication promotion to ensure the research reaches a wider audience.

Each journal may customize this workflow to fit its specific needs and policies, but this chart provides a general framework for the journey of a manuscript from submission to publication.

Why Chose eManager

Choosing eManager for online submission and peer review offers numerous advantages to journals and publishers looking to enhance their digital presence and streamline their editorial processes. eManager, a leading technology service provider for academic publishers, integrates innovative solutions with a deep understanding of the scholarly publishing industry. Here are several key reasons why eManager stands out:

Industry Expertise

eManager has a long-standing history and proven track record in serving the needs of academic and scholarly publishers. Their expertise ensures that they understand the unique challenges and requirements of the scholarly publishing sector.


eManager provides a comprehensive suite of tools and services that support not just submission and peer review but also content hosting, e-publishing, and analytics. This all-in-one approach allows publishers to manage their digital content seamlessly from submission to publication and beyond.


eManager offers customizable solutions that can be tailored to fit the specific needs and workflows of individual journals or publishers. This flexibility ensures that the platform can accommodate a wide variety of peer-review models and publication processes.


The platform is designed to support journals and publishers of all sizes, from emerging publications to established leaders in the field. eManager’s solutions can scale alongside the growth of your journal, accommodating increasing submission volumes and expanding digital content.


eManager is known for its commitment to innovation. It continually updates its offerings with the latest technological advancements. This includes mobile-responsive design, advanced data analytics, and integration with third-party tools and databases such as ORCID and CrossRef.

Global Reach

The eManager platform is built to support global access, making it easier for international authors, reviewers, and readers to engage with the content. This broad accessibility helps to increase the visibility and impact of the research published within its network.

User Experience

With a focus on creating intuitive interfaces, eManager ensures that authors, reviewers, and editors have a positive and productive experience when using the system. This enhances user satisfaction and encourages ongoing engagement with the platform.


eManager offers robust support and training resources to assist publishers, editors, and users in maximizing the benefits of the platform. This includes dedicated customer service, detailed documentation, and training sessions.

Security & Integrity

Recognizing the importance of data security in the digital age, eManager adheres to strict security protocols to protect the integrity and confidentiality of the submissions and peer review process.

Analytics & Insights

The platform provides powerful analytics tools, giving publishers valuable insights into submission trends, peer review efficiency, and readership patterns. This data can inform strategic decisions to enhance journal performance and audience engagement.

In summary, eManager combines industry-leading technology with a deep understanding of academic publishing to offer a robust, scalable, and user-friendly platform for online submission, peer review, and digital content management. Its comprehensive services and commitment to innovation make it a preferred partner for publishers aiming to optimize their scholarly communication processes and extend their global reach.